@DATABASE BootGauge @MASTER BootGauge @$VER: 0.9 @AUTHOR Timo C. Nentwig @(C) Timo C. Nentwig @TAB 4 @MACRO START "@{START}" @MACRO END "@{END}" @MACRO BOLD "@{B}$1@{UB}" @MACRO ITALIC "@{I}$1@{UI}" @MACRO UNDERLINED "@{U}$1@{UU}" @MACRO HEAD "@{B}@{U}$1@{UB}@{UU}" @MACRO SHINE "@{FG SHINE}$1@{FG TEXT}" @MACRO SHINEBOLD "@{FG SHINE}@{B}$1@{UB}@{FG TEXT}" @WARPWRAP @SMARTWRAP /// Main @NODE "Main" "BootGauge- The Boot Enhancer" @{END} @{JCENTER} @{"Non-V40 User read me" LINK "Non-V40"} @{SHINEBOLD "BootGauge"} @{BOLD "The Boot Enhancer For The Amiga"} Copyright 1995-1996 by Timo C. Nentwig Tcn@techbase.in-berlin.de GIFTWARE @{HEAD "The boring stuff"} @{" Overview " LINK "Overview" } Short description @{" Distribution " LINK "Distribution" } CDs, BBS, Disks @{" Disclaimer " LINK "Disclaimer" } You won't read, will you ? @{" Status " LINK "Status" } Hard work, so GIFTWARE @{" Author " LINK "Author" } Who am I ? @{HEAD "Getting started"} @{" Starting ... " LINK "Start" } Calling BootGauge the 1st time @{" Modules " LINK "Modules" } The modules of BootGauge @{" Requirements " LINK "Requirements" } Windows '95 (Multimedia edition only) @{" Installation " LINK "Install" } Very complicated ! @{" Notes " LINK "Notes" } important ! @{" Usage " LINK "Usage" } How to use BG ? @{" Configuration " LINK "Config" } How to configure BootGauge @{HEAD "Miscellaneous"} @{" History " LINK "History" 9999 } what did I already do ? @{" ToDo " LINK "ToDo" } what shall I do ? @{" Thanks ... " LINK "Thanks" } People I want to thank @{JLEFT} @{START} @ENDNODE /// Non-V40 @NODE "Non-V40" "Hints for Non-V40 Users" @{END} This Guide was written for and under AmigaOS 3.1 (V40). It uses among other things SMARTWRAP (or WORDWRAP) etc. which may not be available in older releases. @ENDNODE /// Overview @NODE "Overview" "Overview" @{END} @{HEAD "Overview" } @{JCENTER} _________________________________________________________ | Short: Display gauge bar during booting | | Uploader: Tcn@techbase.in-berlin.de (Timo C. Nentwig) | | Author: Tcn@techbase.in-berlin.de (Timo C. Nentwig) | | Type: util/boot | @{"Status" LINK "Status"} @{JLEFT} @{START} My A4k30 needs about 1 minute to boot. It was boring to wait all the time and just seeing a black screen. @{PAR} Also boot pictures didn't produce real fun. And it is pretty unprofessional ;-) @{PAR} When I saw that the MAC (System 7.5.1+) had a boot gauge bar I began to develop an equal program and here it is. @{PAR} BootGauge executes a @{UNDERLINED "specified"} startup-sequence and displays during that e.g. a gauge bar. @{PAR} @{END} @{JCENTER} But BootGauge offers you even more ... just read on. @{JLEFT} @ENDNODE /// Distribution @NODE "Distribution" "Distribution" @{END} @{HEAD "Distribution"} @{JCENTER} @{SHINEBOLD "BootGauge is copyrighted 1995/1996 by Timo C. Nentwig."} @{SHINEBOLD "All Rights Reserved !"} @{JLEFT} You are allowed to distribute BootGauge on: @{JCENTER} AmiNet ......... Amiga PD CDs ... BBS ............ @{BOLD "OTHERWISE (E.G. PD DISKS !) YOU WILL HAVE TO ASK ME FIRST !"} @{JLEFT} @{START} Do your best to make BootGauge everywhere on the earth (BBS, FTP, ...) available ! :-) @ENDNODE /// Disclaimer @NODE "Disclaimer" "Disclaimer" @{HEAD "Disclaimer"} @{FG Shine} THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. @ENDNODE /// Status @NODE "Status" "Status" @{END} @{HEAD "Status"} @{JCENTER} @{SHINEBOLD "BootGauge is GIFTWARE !"} @{JLEFT} @{START} Please accept this. BootGauge has been a very time-consuming job for me @{"(see History)" LINK "History" 9999 } and it would be nice if you would support me a bit and send me a nice gift if you like BootGauge and use it frequently. @{PAR} I don't want to make BootGauge SHAREWARE and add keyfile protection .... @{END} @{JCENTER} @{"Author" LINK "Author" } @ENDNODE /// Author @NODE "Author" "Author" @{END} @{HEAD "Author"} @{JLEFT} @{SHINEBOLD "SMail:"} @{JCENTER} Timo C. Nentwig Edelhofdamm 35 13465 Berlin Germany @{JLEFT} @{SHINEBOLD "EMail:"} @{JCENTER} Tcn@techbase.in-berlin.de Tcn@zikzak.in-berlin.de @{JLEFT} @{START} Feel free to write me whatever you want ! @ENDNODE /// Start @NODE "Start" "Getting started" @{END} @{HEAD "Start"} @{START} When you start BootGauge the first time you'll see 6 open windows in the upper left edge of the screen. @{PAR} Best would be to select the About or Wait menu item (RCOMMAND + W) first to delay the execution of the sequence. @{PAR} Move these windows anywhere and BootGauge will save (if not disabled by SNAPWINPOS) their position when they are closed (to env[arc]:bootgauge/mod_*.prefs). @{PAR} @{END} @{SHINEBOLD "Menu:"} @{JCENTER} About ............. open an about requester Wait ............ open a requester and wait Execute ..... single line command interface Reboot ...................... reboot system Quit ............. quit program immediately @ENDNODE /// Modules @NODE "Modules" "Modules" @{END} @{HEAD "Modules"} @{START} BootGauge features these modules (all running in its own process): @{END} @{JCENTER} mod_Devs .. mod_Gauge . mod_Mem ... mod_Text .. mod_Time .. mod_Sys ... @{JLEFT} @{START} @{SHINEBOLD "mod_Devs:"} General information about the devices. The window is automatically updated when a new device is added (e.g. when BootGauge cross "Mount Devs:DosDrivers"). @{PAR} @{SHINEBOLD "mod_Gauge:"} The main module. It shows a gauge bar during BootGauge is booting the system. Additionaly you can add a quit gadget. @{PAR} @{SHINEBOLD "mod_Mem:"} Information about the chip, fast and total memory. @{PAR} @{SHINEBOLD "mod_Text:"} Displays the line BootGauge is currently working on. The 4 text gadgets on the right side of the window show you the count of commands that returned WARN (5), FAIL (10), ERROR (20) and other errors. @{PAR} @{SHINEBOLD "mod_Time:"} This module shows you the current time, date and day. @{PAR} @{SHINEBOLD "mod_Sys:"} Information about the CPU, FPU, Chip set, OS, ... @ENDNODE /// Requirements @NODE "Requirements" "Requirements" @{END} @{HEAD "Requirements"} @{JCENTER} Amiga OS 2 but 3 is supported. ............................... BootGauge has only been tested under OS3.1 ! ................. It @{BOLD "should"} run with OS2. ...................................... (I'm too lazy to check this out, get OS3.1 and throw your 10 years old A500 away.) ........................................ Any resolution with at least 8 colors. ....................... gtlayout.library ............................................. @{"Thanks" LINK "Thanks"} @ENDNODE /// Installation @NODE "Install" "Installation" @{END} @{HEAD "Installation"} @{START} Use the Installer. It does not install BootGauge completely but it copies all required files to the right places. @{END} @{JCENTER} copy BootGauge to c: ................................. create the directory env[arc]:bootgauge .............. copy BootGauge.prefs to env[arc]:bootgauge and edit it @{JLEFT} @{START} If you want to use a different resolution but PAL or NTSC you have to @{END} @{JCENTER} Devs:Monitors/ @{JLEFT} @{START} before starting BootGauge and a @{END} @{JCENTER} Assign env: envarc: @{JLEFT} @{START} @{UNDERLINED "may"} be required. @{PAR} Now you have to modify your s:startup-sequence and create a s:startup-sequence and a separate file which is the real, old s:startup-sequence. @{PAR} @{END} @{SHINEBOLD "Example:"} @{" startup-sequence " LINK "startup-sequence"} @{" system-startup " LINK "system-startup" } @{START} Your second, real startup-sequence can be placed and called where and what you want. @{PAR} Default is sys:s/system-startup. @{PAR} BootGauge is configurable by @{"Shell arguments" LINK "Config"} and by its own @{"configuration file" LINK "Config"}. @ENDNODE /// Notes @NODE "Notes" "Notes" @{END} @{HEAD "Notes"} @{JCENTER} BootGauge does no pre-checking of the startup file ! E.g. IF without an ENDIF is not detected ! The next version will probably require V39/V40. The length of a line in the specified sequence are limited to 256 characters. ............................................................ BootGauge can't or won't handle the following statements (yet): ........ CAN'T: ALIAS ............................... (simply cannot, yet) WON'T: ASK ....................... (nonsense in startup-sequence) CAN'T: EVAL ............... (will be changed as soon as possible) CAN'T: GET .............................. (is replaced by getenv) CAN'T: IF, ELSE, ENDIF .... (will be changed as soon as possible) CAN'T: LAB, SKIP, ENDSKIP . (will be changed as soon as possible) WON'T: PROMPT .................... (nonsense in startup-sequence) CAN'T: SET .............................. (is replaced by setenv) CAN'T: UNALIAS ............................. (simply cannot, yet) WON'T: WHY ....................... (nonsense in startup-sequence) CAN'T: <$$> ..................................................... WON'T: .BRA ...................... (nonsense in startup-sequence) WON'T: .DEF ...................... (nonsense in startup-sequence) WON'T: .DOLLAR/.DOL .............. (nonsense in startup-sequence) WON'T: .KET ...................... (nonsense in startup-sequence) WON'T: .KEY/.K ................... (nonsense in startup-sequence) @ENDNODE /// Usage @NODE "Usage" "Usage" @{END} @{HEAD "Usage"} @{START} The syntax of BootGauge: @{END} @{JCENTER} BootGauge [>NIL:] @{JLEFT} @{START} To get the argument template of BootGauge's @{"options" LINK "Config"} enter @{END} @{JCENTER} BootGauge ? @{JLEFT} @{START} in the Shell. And type again "?" to get complete information. @{PAR} The options are not necessary since BootGauge can be configured by an ASCII config file that is either @{END} @{JCENTER} env:BootGauge/BootGauge.prefs envarc:BootGauge/BootGauge.prefs @ENDNODE /// Config @NODE "Config" "Configuration" @{END} @{HEAD "Config"} There are two methods of configuring BootGauge: @{JCENTER} @{" Shell " LINK "Config_Shell"} .... not all arguments supported @{" File " LINK "Config_File" } ............. main configuration @ENDNODE /// Config_Shell @NODE "Config_Shell" "Configuration, Shell part" @{END} @{HEAD "Config: Shell"} @{JCENTER} @{SHINEBOLD "Attention !"} @{JLEFT} @{START} The shell mode is not able to configure all options. Use the configuration file. It's just for temporary tests: @{END} @{JCENTER} BootGauge